About June's arms

Someone had told me they though June’s arms were made weird and did not lay properly.
I pulled out my blank kit and the recommended string body #7542. Mind you she is not weighted so limb movement is not as free as weighted limbs are.

This is my opinion on this kit:

The arms seem to have been sculpted to give them a prominent inward curl. Somewhat like curled in legs are popular on sculpts like Levi. This would be the same idea only on the arms.
At least I think that is what the design was supposed to be. Having said that, there IS less shoulder curve to these arms, making them seem like they are missing something. While they do look okay in some poses, they look stiff in others. Overall the baby reminds me of a football player pose when a guy trys to flex his muscles with his elbows bent and his fists down towards the waist. I also think that the lack of shoulder curve makes the arms not rotate as well as others and the hands are very close in the face when rotated up. Is it horrible? No, not for th e$29.97 I bought the kit for. I will use the limbs on this body and sell the baby at the more affordable price range I typically offer my BB Realborn babies at anyways since I always get the kits on sale. However, I do not prefer these arms and wish they had made them with more shoulder curvature.

Please ignore the spots on the pics. My camera lens is damaged.


I haven’t put my June together yet. But so far I like her limbs. And looking at pictures, including yours, I don’t see a problem with them. But if you really don’t like them, Bountiful Baby has several realborn arms in stock. I bet you could find some that you like.


I mean where’s her shoulders?! … I love her face but the arms alone is why I won’t get her. Very weirdly positioned.

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Here’s my baby June


Hmmm…yeah her shoulders do look a bit strange when she undressed

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shes not that lite in person it was taken with my cell phone

Looks like she should have a little more length on the top of the arms,wonder what a full limb body with a cap would do to help that?

I do like her limbs but I had a bit of difficulty with posing due to the shape of the top portion of her arms.

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I see what you mean but it’s not noticeable when she’s dressed and she is adorable.


As you know Angie, I think they are very weird and I can’t stand the way they lay. I will be replacing mine with other arms. It is too bad because I really like her little face and her legs are awesome. I just can’t stand for her not to pose naturally.


I don’t believe you could put that arm on a cap. It must be square cut to work on a capped arm.

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She is so sweet! Looks like she’s resting her hand on her tummy here too, so I think weighting will make a difference. I bet someone sew savy could create a body with a shoulder to fit this sweet kit and there would be no issue. I have an idea of what she needs, but I’ve never sewn a cloth body before.

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Possibly but we should not have to “create” a body for a kit we buy.
Weighting will help some but it still can not replace the fact that the shoulder is cut short.
I love many of the BB Realborn kits but I think BB just missed the mark on this design.


In addition to the shoulder being cut short, the arm is rotated so far back, I assume it was done this way to make them lay on her body, but this in addition to the shoulders issue makes them look very awkward.

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I hadn’t noticed June’s arms til y’all pointed it out. Maybe because I started on her and Kyrie at the same time. But I ended up putting Kyrie away because I had too many kits out. I just got her back out and noticed she has the same shoulders as June. Hopefully this isn’t the way they are going to make all of them from now on. This is Kyrie on the left and June on the right. :confused:

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I’m wondering if putting less poly fil in the shoulder/chest area would make a difference? I tend to under stuff my dolls anyhow so I might just buy June and see… I don’t know… (As far as June’s arms laying right)

I don’t know how to correct this problem, but the idea came to me… why not used a body with 3/4 arms and full legs? Would that give enough room for the shoulder?

That would look very strange. Maybe a full arm body with disk joints… but not sure

Oh, OK. Just thought about it and thought I’d mention it. Too bad it is not helpful. :slight_smile: I don’t know that much about the mixing of the dolls parts, etc.

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I thought of that too but then I envisioned how it would look…lol The shoulder cap to work would have to be very short and a disk joint would not fit in the sleeve.

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