Anyone done Freya?

I know she’s old and kind of weird looking but I’m sort of drawn to her. Has anyone on here reborned Freya? Can I see?

Following. She’s weird but I’m drawn to her too. Probably has something to do with that $50 price tag at MacPherson. I’m drawn to bargains. :wink:


Haha yep me too :joy: I just threw her in my cart to get free shipping so I didn’t have to wait for an invoice because I’m impatient haha. So I’ll see what I can do with her!

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I did her long time ago , I can’t find my pictures at the moment but she is a sweetheart and perfect size, proportions etc.


@KarenET just made a Freya :grinning:

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I don’t think she’s weird. I think she’s really sweet.

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What do you guys think is weird about her? I don’t think she is weird at all. I am not getting her because she doesn’t draw me that hard, but I don’t think she is weird.

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I loved him!


In the main prototype pictures the lines and creases look very deep and her face looks chiseled. It looks like a sculpt to me. But in other pictures she looks super sweet and natural. So it may just be that one prototype that I don’t care for. :wink:

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@Katinafleming yes I agree! Those creases all look so deep! But the ones on here look cute! So we’ll see how it goes! Thanks everyone!

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I see. I can understand that.

Update: I got her and her face is cute but her skull is large and not my favorite shape for a head :joy: oh well I’ll see what I can do with her!

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