Fur baby thread!


We raised these baby chickens recently for my Aunt’s farm. I couldn’t resist doing portraits of them. They are in their new coop as of a week ago and I miss them dearly.


Here’s my baby boy Jack. He’s named after Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood. Most of the time he’s either asleep on me or next to me lol (right now he’s curled up by my leg.) He’s almost 9 years old. The first time I met him he was 8 weeks and fell asleep on my shoulder :heart:


I need a Finnegan. :heart:

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My grand fur babies :slight_smile: This is Cocoa, chihuahua. She’s 12 yes old now. I love her :slight_smile: I recently had someone do a drawing of her.

my son and daughter in law live in LA. They also have Mervyn and Harold. Merv is a NewfyPoo. Harold is Tibetan Mastiff. Both wonderful dogs!!


I have just a few fluffs :blush:. Unfortunately my white rabbit was stolen. He was pedigree and show quality and just dissapeared one day. I was keeping an eye on him.and heard nothing so doubt it was an animal. I adore my fluffy babies and miss my little white bunny terribly.


Omg…so many cute pets!!! Here are mine, a Chihuahua, a German Shepherd, and two Guinea Pigs.


Aww, that’s sad about your bunny !

Love the sleeping kitty pics!

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He’s handsome! What breed?

Beautiful German Shepard!

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Thank you, my cats are rescue maine coon crosses so are the same size as my dog :laughing:

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Here’s my babies! Miya is almost 2, her second birthday is in July. She’s my “therapy” dog. She’s bad as heck but she helps me with anxiety at home.

Then there’s Loki who just turned 1 in April. He’s a thief of anything that fits in his mouth, mittens, socks, hats, sponges,stuffed animals and more lol He just got a lion cut because his fur was unmanageable
Next is Jimmy, my permanent foster baby. We got him at 4 months old, and he just turned 3. He shares a birthday with Loki. He’s got feline leukaemia and can’t be around other cats, so he doesn’t know how to be a cat. He’s aggressive and not super friendly so he’s considered un adoptable but we love him anyway. He was found in a dumpster as a newborn kitten and was bottle fed back to health at the rescue before we got him.

Last is Scottie. She’s 4 or so, not entirely sure when her birthday is. She’s a grumpy girl, she doesn’t like us or the other pets.


My constant shadow Pye. Sweetest little guy ever

Not exactly fur babies, but…
This is Motley the blue tongue skink

My slimers

My millies

And Una the sand boa


our boys (4 ragdolls)

Willie and Walter

Walter and Harvey
Willie and Walter



Willie at 7 months

Walter and Harvey at 4 months


:grin: but roaches are the best pets. Very low maintance.
Just tell no one about my goat. My city doesn’t alow it. :neutral_face: but I have too much land to take care on my own. He is a great help. We have no more weeds or have to trim the trees. Howerver, I can’t seem to be able to grow anything in my garden :joy:
I just gave Billy a bath and cut his nail. Well what ever the farmers call their nails.


Omg so many cuddlely friends.:heart_eyes: I just love Stewie he looks so mad.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Aww I love the wings on you chihuahua. Guinea pigs are cute. I had some before.

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Here’s my fur baby! Mr.Kitty Yes that’s his name! It was supposed to be Leo but everyone was calling him that so he thinks that’s his name. He’s a Maine Coon mix. He currently weighs over 13lbs and is about 9M. They actually don’t reach adult sizing until 2 years old.

My sweet Cam I lost in February! He was only 8 but had muscle degeneration.


Rabbits!!!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:Aww I’m so sorry.

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Omg! I’m loving all of your pets, and that boa is beautiful