Good or bad

Nope I haven’t painted Darren or Owen yet either. They are on my list. Darren a bit farther down.

I just love girl Owen’s for some reason!


Had to go check that option out using our nifty spy glass. You are absolutely correct owen makes a beautiful girl!

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Love Dominic asleep and I love Jaycee’s scrunch face but haven’t painted her yet

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TY so much!! She was one of my favorites. I have another kit I have to get to one of these days. :slight_smile:

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I have a lot of likes – I have a lot of kits to prove it! :slight_smile: But I have only painted Easton 6-month-old, Nikolas, Byron and Claire. I will try to get pics of them up soon. I keep saying that. But, it has rained here so much of late. Today was a beautiful day but I spent the day in town with our son at the car repair shop. It was only supposed to take about 30 minutes after the engine cooled. Oh well. I tire so easily that I just wanted to drop when I got home. I did prime real born Aria awake I think it is. Anyway I had washed her a couple of days ago and today I got to prime her. So I can paint her now when I get the energy. :slight_smile: So happy our son helped me get my new dolly room set up so I can paint. I hope to do better on the dolls I do from now on. Didn’t do that great on the first 4, but I still love them all. :slight_smile: AND, I LOVE, love, love June 7-month-old! Have to get her when she is on sale.

I’ve done Quinn, Reese, Darren, Jade, Summer Rain, Brooklyn, Marissa, Landon and Joseph Awake ( The small one) and my favorites so far are Brooklyn and Darren. Ive also done Tink and Elf woodland? I cant remember the correct name of that one.

Here are some pics

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I’m working on Darren right now. I’m excited about him!

Finally got Logan’s hair done. I declare I was beginning to wonder if I ever would lol


I just realized it was not Marissa I painted and struggled with, it was Miranda! Marissa is now on top of my list!

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