REPLY HERE to be ENTERED into the Bountiful Baby Realborn Give-A-Way Drawing!

I stumbled across reborn dolls on ebay , since then I have bought several . Recently I decided to reborn one from a kit myself . I’m hooked !! And now these new kits are taking the reborn world to new heights ! I would LOVE to win one . Bountiful Baby will make 9 people VERY happy . Thank you BB for the opportunity .

I can’t wait to see one of the RealBorn babies - they have so much detail and so realistic! Very excited!

I am so thrilled with Bountiful Baby Realborn Give-a-way Drawing! I plan to use the baby I win to auction off to charity, specifically for Abused Women & Children. I am so excited for this opportunity! These babies are the Top of the Line, Cream of the Crop, Best of the Best! Yea ! GO BB!

I would love to win one of the beautiful realborn babies because they are so realistic and so beautiful and I know if I’m blessed enough to become a Mommy to one of these precious little ones that I will treasure this sweet bundle of joy forever!
They truly do help with my depression more than I could ever convey in a short sentence…

I would love to be a winner of the newest baby. I would enjoy trying to give one ‘life’ using the techniques found on your boards. Thank you

My sweet baby girl would love to have her momma reborn one of these very special realborn babies! How exciting to have a chance to do so!

Yeahhhh I’ve been waiting for these kits since I first heard of them! LOVE the technology & the idea behind the process & would love to reborn one/all of these incredible ground-breaking kits!!! Thank you for the generous giveaway!!! :slight_smile:

I’m so excited about the new Realborns!!! I would absolutely love to win any one of the realborns. They look so amazingly life like, that I can’t wait to create one.

I have been reborning for 12 years now and I’ve been a customer of Bountiful Baby for as long as they have been in business. I’m so excited to see them take their kits to a new level! Their kits have always been darling and the best priced kits out there and now they have come out with these super amazingly realistic kits~I can’t wait to get my hands on them whether or not I win :o) Way to go Bountiful Baby!!!

I would like a chance to win any of the three kits because they are so real looking!!!

I would be thrilled to win one of the new Realborn kits. When I initially began reborning, I followed and applied all of Denise’s methods of application to create my first reborn baby. After becoming more confident I began exploring my own methods as an artist to create and develope colors and textures unique to my own reborn doll making. Reborning is an artistry that when completed showcases the many talents, methods and ideas of each artist who so lovingly creates them. I welcome and appreciate everything Denise creates and seeing these new Realborn kits are just another example of being exceptionally creative and dedicated to the art of Reborning.

I would love to win one of these new kits. I really enjoy reborning kits from Bountiful Baby. In fact, I have been doing strictly your kits for a year now since they are so affordable! Thanks!

Yes, This is correct. :smile: Then you should have 5 chances to win! :slight_smile:

I would love to win a reborn because I love them and to give one to my 9 year old daughter, she is crazy about them.

I live on a fixed income, so there’s not a lot to use for the, “extras.” These dolls are works of art. I would love to make one, “my baby.”

Just wanna be sure I got in on the right post

I can read this and i really want to win this baby…she is to cute…she would be my very own baby…i have been looking for one just for me and she is it…

I would love to win these babies are so real
good luck to everyone

Monique 11

I would love to reborning them, all of them are fantastic an sooooo real. This mont is my birthday they will be my very best present !

Gracias, desde España, thanks from Spain.

I love these new babies. I would love to have one of my own. I would actually love to have my grandbaby that is due in January scanned and have one of that looks just like her. Excellent idea that y’all had.