What do you think makes a reborn look unrealistic?

That would be nice I would love to see her! :slight_smile:

I think it depends on how she is painted. She can be painted to look real or more like a porcelain doll. She looks pretty either way.


Can I see an example of a 3/4 in a whole legged body. I agree with you, I always look at mine and think the legs look funny too.

My biggest annoyances are babies just basically throwen on bed or floor and photographed up the nostrils posing in super dark rooms, esp when they are for sale… You don’t need to be a good photographer to take a reasonably decent pose of your doll.

Also worst offender for me, and I have seen even seasoned artists do this, is lashes rooted into the folding or opening eye crease… Makes it look like the lower lid has swollen and starting to turn outward…
Same with eyes where pupils are each pointing towards separate universes! Ones sitting at the top, ones sitting at the bottom.

Overly glowing radioactive yellow nose, ( subtle yellow can be very nice and realistic though) and 1920 to 1930s style of thin penciled brow, and too much focus on heavy or distracting nose Milla. It’s effective only when done right. I don’t want to see those pimples coming a mile away… I prefer to look closely and only then discover all the tiny subtle details.


Skin tone, blushing, and shedding

I have done a couple of Shyanns. She is one of my favorite kits.


One thing that bothers me is kits that represent babies that look to be about 3 months old but that are 16-18" long and are called “premies”…a real premature baby doesn’t look like that! And then there’s always the dislocated hip where one leg is positioned with the foot totally upside down…newborns can do that with their feet but they bend their ankle to do so instead of rotating their hip so it looks like they should be in pain.
The up the nose look in photos, random big blue veins shaped like y’s, bright blue or green eyes on a newborn, blood red lips and tongues, sleeping babies sitting up playing with something, and long long hair on an infant are all no’s no’s in my book as well. I honestly think some people who create reborns have never seen a real baby!


I’m just posting to be following…everyone has said what I would say. But one thing and I don’t want to make anyone mad or upset is that I don’t like alternative babies. It’s just my opinion. :hugs:
The reason I don’t root is because I would have plugs or ruin my doll. lol


I don’t like the alternatives either… Too scary looking for me. To each their own.


I like the cute ones. Someone did a tin man one that I absolutely loved. I thought it was amazing and I appreciated all of the hard work that the artist put into it… I just can not deal with the gory ones with blood painted on and stuff like that.

But like you said, everyone has free will to paint what they like.


This is the only one I can find right now. I think you can see it though.


Most definitely to each their own :slight_smile:

Oh no clowns. Then I imagine them with fangs ahhhhhj lol

I don’t care for heavy mottling that makes the baby look like it has a skin disease. Also, painted or drawn hair that is thick so it looks like a marker was used to do it. Baby hair is very fine, so the lines should be very thin.


Oh yes, that looks much better! Dang I just ordered a bunch of bodies yesterday. Gonna have to remember this next time.

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She is beautiful, thank you for sharing her with me, she is back on my to do list now!

Beautiful baby @Sony72. My kids were like this as well- born with a ton of hair and little bangs. :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your latest sale, @anon77773884. Happy to see that things have picked up for you.


My son was the opposite :wink: Hahahaha! He is 5 now and we can still barely see his eyebrows


My daughter was bald her whole first year, lol. She is 5 and has only had 2 haircuts :joy:


All 5 of mine barely had hair/fuzz lol