Thoughts on entering contests at ROSE?

That’s a subject that should be brought up with the folks at ROSE/BB. Maybe let them know the dolls were being “touched” by kids and others. That is a big No NO!! Mention roping it off might be a good idea.

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Only problem with roping off the area is that if you aren’t close enough to touch then you aren’t close enough to get a real close look at the detail.

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That’s true too, but something needs to be done to keep people from touching!! I think they do have signs but maybe they should announce it over the loudspeaker just as a reminder. Anythings worth a try.

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The tall cop guy that was over there was their son. I’m sure they know how much things were touched. I think you could look close enough to vote if they had ropes around them. I think just the looks of the ropes may halt some of the touching. But there will always be people touching no matter what they do.

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Maybe they could get some sort of glass or clear plastic display case so people can see them but not touch them.


That’s a thought BUT there are LOTS of contest babies. The cost probably wouldn’t be feasible


Y’all know we try our best not to let people touch them but some people just can’t seem to help themselves. We will have more security around them next year and hopefully it will help having them in a separate area where there ins’t as much going on.

But I had to keep myself from touching the june baby that was entered into the contest because she was just so darn cute!


I just booked a table for Rose, woo-hoo! Does anyone know if you are allowed to sell contest babies? I know Friday would be out, but do people sell babies they entered on Saturday after the contests are over?

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We know :slight_smile:
It’s the touchers who I dislike :wink: lol

It’s all good Ann. I know y’all work hard. It was mostly the little kid touchers that bothered me lol. I even touched the toy on Sharron Hoffman’s Summer Rain (which now belongs to me btw) because it was crooked and the security guy looked at me and smiled and said “I saw that”. I just laughed and said “sorry, but it wasn’t THE doll”. Hahaha.

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I read you aren’t supposed to sell stuff unless you paid for a booth or table. But I’m sure it happens. I actually hoped to sell my contest baby just because she was a lot to travel with but I didn’t know how to do that exactly, how to announce she was for sale. :slight_smile:

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Yes, but you have to have a table or booth.

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Awesome, thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:

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You can sell your contest baby AFTER they have been judged and awarded. They like them to be on your table so you may have to put a SOLD sign on it until the show is over and the mommy gets to take it. Cause Shanine sold her 'newborn baby" last year in 2017 and it was a contest baby,. But people who are only lookers and buyers are NOT allowed to sell babies at the show, it’s only fair to the people who are renting booths and tables.

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This is not allowed unless you have a table or booth. Otherwise you would have people going around selling their dolls and not renting tables or booths.

If you win the contests, do you win anything besides the trophy and certificate?

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Pretty sure the winner of the realborn category gets to do a prototype for BB.

@joyce_angel1 would know :slight_smile:


I did a prototype and won a trophy !! And it was a lot of fun to enter the contest too :slight_smile:


Thanks guys! I was thinking about 40 dollars per entry I’d want to win something :laughing:

And the banquet where they announce the winners is 90 dollars!! That’s the most expensive meal I’ve ever thought of going to.